
Jun 21, 2013

App Academy W6D5


Today was a solo day and it was a great opportunity to go and exercise a broad spectrum of our skills by creating a todo app - one similar to the one we had created last week and giving it a nice single-page flair with some Javascript and AJAX. By blowing up a lot of the stuff that we did yesterday, we were able to go and create a todo app that would let someone manage all of their information without doing a single refresh. It is pretty awesome.

Three Things I learned Today:

1) Javascript in the browser can get confusing when you have a lot of AJAX callback functions flying around

2) You can go wild with Bootstrap and it is amazing

3) The pages that are sent to you at the beginning can get pretty amazingly complex. I managed to stuff a whole lot of data into those web pages and it felt honestly pretty stuffed. I look forward to being able to start on Backbone now.

You can find the github repo here: