Projects in Middle of Projects

Oct 19, 2017

Preventing Burnout

Working on side projects gives me energy. Part of an ideal day for me is to a coffee shop working on something that I really enjoy.

Lately I have been working on an email client side project built on React, Redux, and Electron. It is a desktop app. Being an email client means that there are a lot of expectations that you need to meet in order to compete in the market at all. People sort of expect that their emails go out and are being received.

But anyway, I worked on this for several months and then after a while I realized that I needed to step away. Every time I go running and think about the enormity of the project that I’m working on, I get this sinking feeling in my stomach. It has been more fun to get back to starting over again - working with a fresh install of something - rather than diving into spaghetti code written by an incompetent person (myself) and fixing things knowing that this stupid ugly hack is just going to be bite me in the ass again sometime down the line.

I am grimly determined to complete this but I need to be okay with taking steps away from it from time to time. I just have to make sure that I get back to it though, ha.