
Jun 06, 2013

App Academy W4D4

Music Tagger

Today we went and worked on one of the most difficult rails projects that we ever had. The idea is to build a music inventory web product that would be able to take in albums, bands, and tracks and from there expand the functionality to accommodate many of the things that we have learned in the past couple days. This includes authorization, authentication and etc. This was achieved with a combination of passwords, before filters, and more.

I actually am not done with this yet. There were four phases. I finished up to three.

1- Band, album and tracks. Bands can have albums which have tracks. This deep tree structure made it more difficult because of all the paths that need to exist.

2- Notes can be created and attached to a track. This did not take all that much time. The challenge was embedding some of the note taking inside the track page

3- Users and authentication. This includes an email authentication

4- Helpers to help break up the lyrics and add some weird musical notes