Jun 28, 2013
App Academy W7D5
Talking with Ned
Today we spent the morning in lecture as Ned talked to us about the ins and outs of finding work in the tech industry. It was needless to say very much of the type of conversation I would expect to hear from someone like Ned: There was a ruthlessless and calculating systematic-ness in all of it mixed in with his own little version of bizarrely encouraging pep talk. He told us that we undervalued ourselves and our skills. His words are strangely uplifting though I am not so sure how much they will be when we start on this crushing path of rejection.
The project that we were to build is a clone of Gist, which is something that I am not particularly familiar with. The thing that was challenging about this project was not that it was built in Backbone on Rails, of which the big picture I am pretty comfortable with, but it is about the little details of the project. Little things that made me greatly appreciate the job that Paul has when he decides on whether or not to create particular parts of the product. I am still working at it as we speak and hope to get more done when I get home tonight.